Happy Birthday President Lincoln via Maira Kalman

Today is the 203rd anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln. I doubt that there are many who would not put Lincoln in their their “Best of…” list of presidents. I know that I do.

During the 200th celebration year of Lincoln’s birth, Maira Kalman wrote her own valentine to Abraham Lincoln via an art blog published in the New York Times. Maira Kalman has long been a favorite of mine. Her colorful bursts of art are oftentimes paired with sparse hand lettered words that are perfectly chosen. When her art graces the cover of the New Yorker, I usually need to tear it off and save it in my collection of things that are too precious to get rid of. She has created books for children and adults. She has even, improbably and beautifully, illustrated Strunk & White‘s classic, The Elements of Style.

If you are going to take some time to reflect and honor our 16th president today, I would highly encourage Ms. Kalman’s TripTik for the journey. I don’t think it will disappoint, and I believe Abe would very much like it.